Sunday, January 8, 2012

Picture a family of chimps in their natural habitat...?

you got cousin Benny, Uncle John, a little 5 year old girl chimp, a father chimp, etc... Notice the group of teenage male chimps swinging from a tree or something on the corner, and over there- an old lady chimp with what appears to be something edible... You get the picture- a regular community setting, but with chimps instead of people. K, now my question is, what the hell difference really is there between human beings and chimps and ants, whales, etc...? We make ourselves feel superior from day one- the medium being elders (the older people that we're around from the time we are born show their obvious feelings of superiority over animals, as we humans so frequently incorrectly say (we're animals too!)) So, I'm saying, what's with this false superiority bull****? Are we sooo programmable that we buy our own story- just like that? That easily... and then maybe, if we're 'lucky' enough later on in life we'll see the light and stop being part of the Falsely Superior Sheople group? How can we be so arrogant!? We depend on so called 'nature', which we are actually a part of, for our survival and comfort. Why do we make this false separation- there are humans and then there is nature- us and it- i think is how most sheople see it, consciously or not. But this is far from the truth... Any thoughts? Thanks : )

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